August 4, 2012

Roll..! Tissue Roll..!

This time I saved the tissue roll's left out cardboard roll to do weekend craft. There are many designs and patterns you can do using these.!! 
Let me share the one I have done.

Required materials:
cardboard rolls of tissue rolls- I picked 3 of them
glue - I used Elmers glue
paint- you can use water color or arylic
canvas sheet- again its up to the design you pick. I sticked on a 10*10 inch canvas
My approximate cost: $ 8.00 
Time consumed: approximately 2.5 hrs max
How to do:
Get the cardboard rolls to start with. Fold them to give a crease and shape them as you wish to. 

Paint them and let them dry.

 Cut the strips of 0.5 inch each.

Take one strip and glue it to the other. Keep sticking in the shape you wish to. 
I gave flowers, buds and leaves shapes. The sepals of each bud is created by folding one strip through its center and glue it. Let them all dry for 10 min before moving them to canvas

Now time to stick on canvas. You can use glue guns to glue and center and edges of each petal. I used paint brush and spread them carefully. Make sure that the paints doesn't get messed up because of glue.

Let them dry off for 15 mins.

Now ready to hang..!

You need not glue on canvas. The patterns can be glued one to the other and hung as a wall decor.
You can try painting the inner side of strips with contrast colors to the outer paint shade. This can definitely project the design more.
If you are interested, you can do little shading on the canvas, inside each petal using paints and brush. Well, that all up to your artistic mind..!! 
Inspired from:

Try it out. ! Let me know your questions and suggestions.!!

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